La souscription a démarré !!!
Merci à Bert31 d'avoir mis les premiers deniers dans la tirelire ! Que cela donne de l'élan à tous ceux qui croient en notre documentaire !
Nous vous tenons informés des avancées. Bien cordialement.
Patricia et Rodney
mardi 20 novembre 2012
lundi 19 novembre 2012
Participate in the
financing of Rodney PASSAVE's documentary film about the various democratic movements
of 2011.
TAKE the square
Tahrir Square, Puerta del Sol, Syntagma Square, Wall Street, Cairo, Madrid, Athens, New York… Many cities, many places where various peoples began camping to take back the street, re-appropriate the public space and the democracy … This documentary film tells the story of a movement which originated in the edge of the Nile to extend worldwide trying to change democratic relationships.
The work of post-production which began (editing, mixing, calibration, finish) asks for the skills of professionals.
We need you and your financial support to be
able to pay a part of these. Thank you for helping us to make this film exist
and, as we hope, allow it to arouse curiosity,
debates and reactions.
The movie could be available for a preview projection in the course of March, 2013 in Paris and for an official release on April, 2013.
TAKE the square
Tahrir Square, Puerta del Sol, Syntagma Square, Wall Street, Cairo, Madrid, Athens, New York… Many cities, many places where various peoples began camping to take back the street, re-appropriate the public space and the democracy … This documentary film tells the story of a movement which originated in the edge of the Nile to extend worldwide trying to change democratic relationships.
The work of post-production which began (editing, mixing, calibration, finish) asks for the skills of professionals.
The movie could be available for a preview projection in the course of March, 2013 in Paris and for an official release on April, 2013.
Participez au financement du film
documentaire de Rodney PASSAVE
sur les différents mouvements démocratiques
de 2011:
Place Tahrir,
Puerta del Sol, Syntagma Square, Wall Street… Le Caire, Madrid, Athènes, New-York… autant de
villes, autant de lieux où les différents peuples se sont mis à camper pour
reprendre la rue, se réapproprier l’espace public, se réapproprier la
démocratie… Ce documentaire raconte l’histoire d’un mouvement qui a pris
naissance sur le bord du Nil pour
s’étendre à travers le monde et tenter de changer les rapports démocratiques.
Le travail de post-production, qui a
commencé (montage, mixage,
étalonnage, finition), demande les compétences de professionnels.
Nous avons besoin de vous, de votre soutien financier, pour
pouvoir payer une partie de ces frais. Merci de nous aider à faire exister
ce film qui, nous l’espérons, suscitera curiosité, débats et réactions.
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